thriller, chicago thriller, michael jackson, dotza, dance, zombies, lakeview, parade, zombie312, dardanus productions, dardanus


Makeup Costume Learn Dance

Learning how to do the Thriller dance is the hardest part of participating, but with a little practice you'll be a regular Thriller-thrashing-zombie pro. From beginners to veterans there's room for everyone to not only learning a fantastically fun dance, but get a workout too.


Check out the dance page: Learn Dance

We'll be having a special session on doing your make-up, showing our favorite web tutorials, and other helpful tips for making your makeup look zombi-rific: Makeup

We're constantly adding new ideas to help  you build your zombie costume. Whether you're looking to be  cute little walking dead or a terrifying brain sucking zombie we got some pictures & tips. Most of our costume ideas will be geared toward making it easier to do the dance moves and prep for most weather conditions. Costume